Friday 31 January 2014

Progress Report!

So, how was the seven day detox for me? In a nutshell it wasn't a seven day detox, I modified it part way through!
'Oh no! You weak quitter, you!' I hear you cry and yes, you could argue that case but I am going to explain why I didn't stick religiously to the very strict detox.
Reason number 1: I was HUNGRY! 
Having followed a sensible eating plan which is low in fat and which watches the calorie intake, and having a lifestyle of very regular exercise I am not used to feeling hungry. I'm not talking about the normal hunger that I expect and want to feel when I am due a meal but fairly quickly after eating I was experiencing real hunger pains and so I was becoming quite miserable.
Reason number 2: I was lacking in energy. I exercise every day. Either swimming, a couple of hours in the gym, a run or an hour on our cross trainer here at home. I use around 600 calories each session, more sometimes. I had to really drag myself to the gym whereas I am usually raring to go. Once there I completed my exercise plan but it wasn't as enjoyable as usual. This seemed to be counter-productive. 
Reason number 3: I missed my fruit! I wasn't longing for a bar of chocolate, nor even some potatoes with my meal, no, I wanted a banana! I have bananas before a work-out as they give me lots of energy.
Reason number 4:I really missed my first cup of tea! I don't drink a lot of tea or coffee so withdrawal symptoms, headaches etc. were not a problem, but I like a cuppa at the start of the day. Also,I am NOT a bacon and eggs for breakfast person! When someone commented that Weetabix for breakfast was no bad thing it made me think about what I was doing.
Reason number 5: I am not religious! (I am a Christian but there is a difference!)
I don't just follow the rules and regulations slavishly if I can see a genuine reason (Note, not excuse!) for not doing. I am determined and I can stick to something once I've started (I stuck to the Rosemary Conley plan and still do) but not if I really don't believe in it.

So these were the main reasons why I decided to modify the plan somewhat. I still believe that surprising the body occasionally is a good thing, to stop it getting into a rut but having found a successful plan for my body and being joyful in that healthy plan is important. As I said, I am a Christian and a scripture verse comes to mind here: 'This is the day  the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it!' Psalm 118:24. Furthermore, the Bible also says: 'When you fast...' not if you fast. (Matthew 6:16) So, as a Christian I am exhorted to fast and pray and not to look miserable while I'm about it!! The key being that you fast and pray! You take your mind and your thoughts off the physical, off the flesh and put them on the Spiritual. So, fasting is a good discipline both for the body which will be shocked out of its usual routine and thus won't get complacent, and for the spirit as you focus on higher things.

Preach over! Having said all that I did lose 5lbs even with a modified plan! But I am a lot happier to be eating a well balanced diet and feeling full of energy for my exercise.