Wednesday 22 January 2014


The human body is amazing. It can adapt to so many situations, so many things we throw at it! We mistreat and abuse this wonderful masterpiece of engineering and it obligingly accommodates us and continues to function, even though it may not be 'firing on all cylinders', if I may mix my metaphors a little! 
For example, my chiropractor has diagnosed an imbalance in my pelvis. The two sides should be symmetrical but mine aren't, they are slightly askew! Not my fault, just as different shaped eyes can occur, different sized breasts, just one of those things! The arrow shows where I am out of alignment.

But my body has compensated for this over the years and because of this I occasionally suffer from the pain and muscle spasms which sent me to the chiropractor in the first place!

I read a lot of comments from people who are trying to lose weight who say that their weight loss has plateaued and they have stopped losing despite only taking in 1,200 calories a day. Therein lies the problem! The body has accommodated this and has gone into life saving mode as it reasons that the body is starving so in order to survive it is holding on to all the fat that it possibly can, hence, no weight loss! This is why, when following the Rosemary Conley weight loss plan, the first two weeks start on 1,200 calories and then the following two weeks you increase to 1,400, thus tricking the body into allowing the fat and the weight to leave!!

So, what's with the Shock Tactics? I hear you say! Well, I have got pretty stable in my routines now. I get a lot of exercise and use up a lot of calories by swimming and going to the gym and even going on the occasional run, though that may not be the best exercise for my back at the moment! I like to ring the changes in my exercise routines but have become a bit too static with my food intake I think! I want to wake my system up a bit so have investigated the Detox that my niece and my sister have both been on and reported success in a number of different ways. 

I am writing about it here because I know I respond well when I am held accountable! So I will report on my progress and what I am experiencing as I completely cut out some of the staples from my diet!
In a nutshell the detox is:
  • It lasts 7 days
  • No dairy apart from live bio natural yogurt
  • No fruit except tomatoes
  • No bread
  • No caffeine, so no alcohol!
  • No mushrooms, potatoes or sweet potatoes
  • 3 meals a day, no snacking
  • Plenty of vegetables
  • All meat, fish and eggs allowed though don't go mad
  • 50gs of cooked brown rice or oats a day
  • Plenty of water
I think that about covers it!
So, I started today and have so far had:

A cup of Rooibos tea with rice milk - nice enough!
4 rashers of lean bacon grilled with a spray-lite fried egg - lovely but I do like my Bran flakes!
A cup of de-caf coffee with rice milk - not as nice as the tea!
It is now 11am and I realise that I would usually be reaching for my mid-morning snack, my banana but no can do!! I also realise just what a creature of habit I am when it comes to food!!

My niece and my sister and her husband have all found that a week on this detox leads to clearer skin, better sleep and a loss of 7lbs in weight over the week so I will keep you posted on that!
I am also wondering how my exercise will feel on this changed diet! I will keep you posted on that too as we are going to the gym this evening!

A change is as good as a rest as they say! 

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